Sustainable Afro Hair Care with Eco Warrior_Little Soap Company

Sustainable Afro Hair Care with the Eco Warrior Dry Hair Shampoo Bar

Sustainable Afro Hair Care with Eco Warrior_Little Soap Company

We’re celebrating another fantastic win for our Eco Warrior range here at Little Soap- ouramazing Dry Hair Shampoo Bar scooped Best Afro Hair Product at the 2023 Natural Beauty Awards– the second year in a row! To celebrate, we’ve put together a really quick guide on afro hair care, featuring- of course- our award winning secret ingredient- the Eco Warrior Dry Hair Shampoo bar!

Caring for afro hair

Not sure where to start? It’s true that afro hair does require a little extra TLC, but there’s no reason why it needs to be unmanageable. And theres definitely no reason why it needs to compromise the planet either. Here’s how to make the most of your crowning glory- and yes, you can do that with a shampoo bar.


The key to cleansing afro hair is to make sure your hair wash routine fits in with your lifestyle, and for most of us that means we need a quick and efficient strategy! Trust us, you really don’t need bottle after bottle (think of all that plastic!) and you won’t need to clear your entire day for it either. All you need is one little bar of Eco Warrior Dry Hair Shampoo.

What makes our shampoo bar great for afro hair?

Our shampoo bar is:

  • Sulphate free- essential for maintaining scalp and hair health, not to mention keeping frizz at bay
  • Totally free from SLS, alcohol, parabens, sorbates, silicones and synthetic preservatives
Sustainable Afro Hair Care with Eco Warrior_Little Soap Company
  • Made with Argan and Coconut Oil so you can skip the ‘pre-poo’ stage if you want to
  • Made with added marshmallow extract to help promote healthy, soft hair
  • 100% soap free
  • 100% vegan and plant based
  • Leaping Bunny cruelty free
  • Plastic free
  • Eco friendly
  • Biodegradable- packaging and soap
  • Curly Girl Method friendl

Phew! And did we mention it smells ah-mazing?!

We created this bar because we wanted a hair wash that was straight forward and easy for all- and so that more of you could make the switch from liquid to solid shampoo. And who’s got time for that whole faffy transition period that other shampoo bars require? With our bar, you can skip the vinegar rinse and just go straight to sustainable hair care, no fuss guaranteed!

Tips for cleansing 

Simply wet your hair, ensuring it’s wet from root to tip. Then run the bar between your hands to release the luxurious bubbles. Apply to the roots of your hair and massage into the scalp. Focus on the scalp, and don’t worry about working it all the way down to the tips of your hair. We promise, the suds that run down will be enough to cleanse your ends.


Afro hair has a tendency to dry out very easily, which is why its so important to add as much moisture to your hair care routine as you can. We always recommend following up the cleansing with a good conditioner that will really nourish and protect your hair in between washes- and one that is going to lock in moisture too. 

Apply conditioner after the shampoo has been rinsed, then work your fingers through to the ends to detangle and ensure even distribution. Then rinse, rinse, rinse, before wrapping your hair in a towel to dry. You’re done!

Don’t forget to keep adding the moisture though- afro hair loves a good leave in conditioner spray, plus you can seal in the moisture with a nourishing oil such as Coconut our Shea too. Finally, look for a really good leave in moisturising cream that will help to smooth and protect your hair.

Sustainable Afro Hair Care with Eco Warrior_Little Soap Company

Caring for curly hair

Our Eco Warrior Dry Hair Shampoo Bar is also great for curly hair- hooray!- and you can check our ingredients here at

The Curly Girl Method requires an initial ‘re-set’ wash with a sulphate-filled shampoo, to remove build up of silicone and wax. The next steps are to then cleanse your hair with either a co-wash (using conditioner, rather than shampoo) or a sulphate-free shampoo- such as the Eco Warrior Dry Hair Shampoo Bar. 

Once washed, condition your curls, making sure to fully saturate every hair and scrunching as you go for a really deep moisturise. After rinsing, follow up with a gel, before either ‘plopping’ (wrapping your hair in a cotton t-shirt) or scrunching excess water from the hair using a cotton t-shirt. Once your hair is completely dry, scrunch out the gel and release your curls!

As we mentioned above, with the Eco Warrior Dry Shampoo bar there’s no need for a transition wash, so you can go straight to the main wash when you make the switch.

Curly Girl approved products do not contain any sulphates, silicones, waxes or alcohol- so luckily our Sensitive Scalp Shampoo bar and our original Eco Warrior Shampoo Bar are both also great to use. And bonus points for saving on money and wasteful packaging too. Hooray!

reset assured that we’ve done our research into afro hair care, but please do get in touch with us if you have more tips & tricks you would like to share.
